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Outline is composed of a backend and frontend codebase in this monorepo. As both are written in Javascript, they share some code where possible. We utilize the latest ES6 language features, including async/await, and Flow typing. Prettier formatting and ESLint are enforced by CI.


Outline’s frontend is a React application compiled with Webpack. It uses MobX for state management and Styled Components for component styles. Unless global, state logic and styles are always co-located with React components together with their subcomponents to make the component tree easier to manage.

Important Note: The Outline editor is built on Prosemirror and managed in a separate open source repository to encourage re-use: rich-markdown-editor.

├── components  - React components reusable across scenes
├── embeds      - Embed definitions that represent rich interactive embeds in the editor
├── hooks       - Reusable React hooks
├── actions     - Reusable actions such as navigating, opening, creating entities
├── menus       - Context menus, often appear in multiple places in the UI
├── models      - State models using MobX observables
├── routes      - Route definitions, note that chunks are async loaded with suspense
├── scenes      - A scene represents a full-page view that contains several components
├── stores      - Collections of models and associated fetch logic
├── types       - Flow types
└── utils       - Utility methods specific to the frontend


The API server is driven by Koa, it uses Sequelize as the ORM and Redis with Bull for queues and async event management. Authorization logic is contained in cancan policies under the “policies” directory.

Interested in more documentation on the API routes? Check out the API documentation.

├── api               - All API routes are contained within here
│   └── middlewares   - Koa middlewares specific to the API
├── auth              - Authentication logic
│   └── providers     - Authentication providers export passport.js strategies and config
├── commands          - We are gradually moving to the command pattern for new write logic
├── config            - Database configuration
├── emails            - Transactional email templates
│   └── components    - Shared React components for email templates
├── middlewares       - Koa middlewares
├── migrations        - Database migrations
├── models            - Sequelize models
├── onboarding        - Markdown templates for onboarding documents
├── policies          - Authorization logic based on cancan
├── presenters        - JSON presenters for database models, the interface between backend -> frontend
├── queues            - Async queue definitions
│   └── processors    - Processors perform async jobs, usually working on events from the event bus
├── services          - Services start distinct portions of the application eg api, worker
├── static            - Static assets
├── test              - Test helpers and fixtures, tests themselves are colocated
└── utils             - Utility methods specific to the backend


Where logic is shared between the client and server it is placed in this directory. This is generally small utilities.

├── i18n              - Internationalization confiuration
│   └── locales       - Language specific translation files
├── styles            - Styles, colors and other global aesthetics
├── utils             - Shared utility methods
└── constants         - Shared constants